Himachal Tourism

Saturday, 23 April 2016

Language spoken in Kinnaur Himachal Pardesh.

A numeral of dialects are spoken by the population of region Kinnaur which came under 'Kinnauri' or 'Kanauri'. According to categorization of language made by the Linguistic review of India, 'Kanauri' comes beneath Tibet-Chinese Family of Languages. It has additional been secret as language belonging to Western Sub-Group of Pronominalized Himalayan Group belong to Tibeto-Himalayan Branch under Tibeto-Burnab Sub-Family (Census of India 1961, Vol. 1 India, Part II-C(ii). Languages Tables.P.CL.XVI). In Shimla Hill States Gazetteer, 1910, there is talk about of three dialect verbal in Kinnaur. These are Hindi, Kinnauri and
English Also there are as many as nine dissimilar dialect use by a variety of section in area Kinnaur.

Kinnauri Peoples.

The villagers on the Tibetan edge talk Tibetan dialect of western Tibet. The degree of verbal Tibetan is incomplete to the town of Nesang, Kunu and Charang next-door Tibet. Jangram vernacular is verbal in Jangi, Lippa and Asrang village of Moorang tehsil. The Shumceho dialect is spoken in the village of Kanam, Labrang, Spilo, Shyaso and Rushkalang of Pooh tehsil. A Kinnauri-Jangram mixture is the language use in Rakchham and Chhitkul villages of Sangla tehsil. The listed castes talk a language which is earlier to that of sure parts of the next-door districts of Kinnaur. as well these dialects the cultured public of Kinnaur can talk Hindi also. Both men and women, specially in Sangla and Kalpa valley can talk English in adding to their mother tongue and Hindi.There are Buddhist temples in lots of of the village of these area yet the group of this trust do not form a important group. In Kalpa, Moorang and Pooh tehsils Lama are consult and their services utilised in presentation of a lot of spiritual ceremony. In Nichar and Sangla people do not of necessity ask Lamas on these occasion. In the nonattendance of Brahman priests the citizens do ceremony themselves


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