Cluture & Beliefs in Kinnaur ,Himachal Pardesh.
People In Kinnaur.

The current day the Kinnauras do not comprise a homogenous collection
and show important defensive and racial variety. For a improved sympathetic of racial
and cultural sharing, the Kinnaur District may be secret into three defensive unit.Lower Kinnaur comprise region flanked by Chora at the border
of the Kinnaur region with Rampur Bushahr and Kalpa counting Nichar and Sangla
valleys. The citizens of inferior Kinnaur are first and foremost of the
Mediterranean bodily kind. It is hard to differentiate them from the citizens reside
in the next-door Shimla region with whom they have some similarity. The citizens
of inferior Kinnaur are generally Hindus while the ethno-past factor have
resulted in some Buddhist power.
The center Kinnaur is the region flanked by Kalpa and Kanam counting
Moorang tehsil.
The citizens of central Kinnaur are of varied ethnic damage.
A few have noticeable Mongoloid and others marked Mediterranean features. In
some cases there is an admixture of the above two in varying degrees. The population
are Buddhist as well as Hindus. Many citizens have trust in both the religion.
The higher Kinnaur comprises of residual north-eastern part of the region i.e.
the area flanked by Pooh and Hangrang valley extend upto global border with
The main bodily type of higher Kinnaur in the Mongoloid while
a few persons with Mediterrean features are also seen in the area around Pooh.
Some people demonstrate the amalgamation of Mediterrean and Mongoloid rudiments
in unreliable degree. though the citizens of Hangrang valley are approximately generally
Mongoloids. They more often than not go after Mahayana Buddhist faith.
The Kinnaur civilization is separated into two wide work-related
groups- peasants and the artisans perhaps of varied racial source. These groups
are represent by Kanets (Rajputs) and listed Castes.
The Kanets include the most important humanizing group of
people of the area and use honorific surname Negi. in the middle of the Kanets
there are three grade. In the primary grade Kanets there are as many as fifty
sub-castes, in the second grades there are seventeen sub-castes and in the
third grade who labor as potter have three sub-castes. Waza Kanets fit in to
the third grade and are careful lesser in the middle of Kanets.
The listed castes comprise Chamangs and Domangs. Chamangs usually
make and wove clothes. The Domangs are first and foremost blacksmiths. There is
a third caste called ores. The main line of work of Ores is woodwork. In social
status the Ores are equal to Domangs. in the middle of the listed castes
blacksmiths and carpenters i.e. Domangs and Ores careful themselves better to
Kolis or Chamangs.
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