Mountains .

Approximately similar and organization downward the centre
of the district is the Ghoghar-Ki-Dhar, of which the slopes are fairly gentle.
It is not well forested, but contains big expanses of outstanding graze and the
salty quarry of Drang and Guman. The Sikandar variety commence from the
trijunction with Suket and Bilaspur and from there runs northward for fifty
miles. The variety contain some high-quality forests of chil pine. but the better
part of it consists of wealthy lawn slopes. It’s name is credited to Sikander
Lodhi, who, 375 years previous to the time in power of Akbar, is hypothetical
to have crossed it on his way to the take-over of Kangra. The variety of altitude
in the region is high, with the uppermost tip life form approximately 13,000 foot
on the Kullu edge and the lowly point 1,800 feet near Sandhol where the Beas
leaves the district. The only area which is similar to the plains is the Balh
valley. Several of the valleys are unlock and are frequently irrigable from
kuhls, or small water channels, and hold some of the most lush ground in the
state. Due to the mountainous land, some of the hills are so steep that farming
in big scale is not possible.
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